After reading Misha's post on the random surfing of blogs and the plethora of angsty blogs out there, I thought I'd step out of the box and write down what grates me, through my own experience of surfing blogs. Let me just say here and now that EVERYBODY is entitled to voice their own opinions and feelings, and they can do that however they like. However, if you want to find an audience in me, these are the things that will bother me enough to never come back.
Spelling words weird to be 'cool' - I was going to stretch into a tirade here, but I will just roll off the words that finger my mental furyswitch: teh, da, h8, dys, dis, 'than' when you mean 'then', wit, hawt, etc. 'Ish' has got to be one of the most annoying of them all. Spellcheck should be your best friend. People who go to the extra effort to write like that deserve to be kneecapped. Well, not really kneecapped. Maybe beaten in the genitals. Seriously though, if anybody actually speaks like this in person, please let me know. I have a cheese grater that would love to meet their face.
PeEpS wHo WrYt LyK dIs.
People who NAG for comments and never reply and/or return the favour. FUCK YOU.
People who ask for a link on my blog and don't return the favour: If I link you, it's because I like your content and your style. It may be some form of being 'L33t' but please don't take that to heart -- it only means you suck more than I do. One day we'll be equals, mayhaps. Note: I'll be spring-cleaning my blogroll very soon.
People who send me friend requests without prior interaction. No thanks, arsecake. Give me a reason to be your #1 buddy.
People who 'hate' everything - Let me clarify this. I love controlled fury with a direct argument, I love intelligence like that, it makes me pay attention. At the very least, it's a laugh. Haters, yeah. Grrrr. Specifically people who 'hate' their parents for grounding them or cutting their curfew or taking away their iPod for a night. You have no idea how lucky you are. These idiots deserve to be put in a perspex box, naked and bound, in the middle of town at peak hour. Let's fill the remaining space with mayonnaise. (No airholes)
People who want to die: I am not going to get into this, because I think it speaks for itself. For the ones who refuse to believe in a better day, go for it. You control (to an extent) how you handle your life, deal with it. It begins in yourself, and if you don't see that, I pity you. These guys can rot. I have no sympathy for this bullshit.
Protest Poseurs: I have a couple friends like this offline. People who go to protest rallies but have no idea what they're protesting. No war? Great, you go and fight for our country. Good luck with that.
Narrow-mindedness: I don't understand how someone could expect to be taken seriously when they don't listen to you because your opinion doesn't gel with theirs. Talking me down is not going to get you points. If I ask a 'stupid' question, it's most probably because I'm trying to make sense of your argument. This is half the reason I don't do politico, religion, or sexual orientation debate online. It makes me feel inadequate sometimes, when really, you're being a little bitch because you have a tiny cock or a gigantic mutant clit. Get over it, let's jive like adults.
People who comment anonymously with snide or downright offensive comments: You're a gutless sack of shit.
People who cram seizurelicious graphics and applications to their blog, so the actual blog content only occupies about 10% of the browser space. Argh!
People who hop on chat and start digging at COMPLETE STRANGERS, calling them child molesters, whores, and allsorts. Cheese grater with that again, we'll add a dash of salt this time.
Online bitchiness/bloghating blogs: Dear God, it's the INTERNET. Turn off the computer and go do something else if somebody keeps bothering you. Failing that, save, save, save. Breathe. And if you're the one doing the harrassing, find yourself a hobby, or a better argument.
If you don't like it, don't read it. Simple enough.