I'm at work right now, and Liisa is sitting at the desk across from me.
She says she is slow today. She says it's a blonde day, but we both know it's because she's
ETHNIC. She's half Egyptian, half Finn. She doesn't look like Huckleberry Finn, nor does she walk like a Gypo. For someone so ethnic, she sucks at life. I thought ethnic meant ponchos and cactii and clogs and kebabs.
I love her like I love Tina. These two birds are the only friends my age who made it to my wedding, the only ones I WANTED at my wedding. Liis is the only other bird I know who can make me laugh until I nearly PEE MYSELF with the strategic placement of a full-stop.
I'm going to marry them both and make them pancakes.
Liis, I love you, even if you're no good at cleaning yourself. You made my bad day good.
[edit]New developments from Liis herself - Liisa may/may not have a penis. There is something pulsating in between her thighs.
Posted by BourbonBird at 14:59