Taking a cue from
Andy B, I had a peek at what people were looking for in August to find me...
One person was looking for
HOW LULUBELLE DID THE TRIPLE FARTFlattering, but there is no such thing as a
RINNA SHOPTwo found themselves a (The?)
DICKHEADSomeone's grandma was looking for
HOW TO KNIT A TOILET ROLL DOLL DRESS COVERSome idiot has overestimated my confidence, looking for
BOURBONBIRD IN FHMMore:funny foreign words
i'll be here 'til Thursday, try the veal
waterpark girls
tattoo Spiderman's back door
arsecake (I invented that word, thank you very much)
arsehole bleaching
horny MILFs, aaaaaand
forgot intention to vacate.
Can't say my readership is prudish, eh?
Posted by BourbonBird at 14:00